Make a Payment
Online Payment or Payment at your Bank
You can pay us online via the internet or at your bank using the following details:
Bank: 06-0705-0535232-01
Branch: Nelson
Account Name: Resolve Collections
Reference: *Please include your 5-digit Resolve Collections Acct#
By Post
Please make cheques or money orders payable to Resolve Collections Limited. When making payment please include your 5-digit Resolve Collections Acct# this should be written on the reverse of the cheque or money order
Resolve Collections Limited
PO Box 3758
Richmond 7050
Automatic Payment
You can arrange with your bank to make payments weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Simply download and print the automatic payment authority form, once completed drop this off at your bank. You will need to include your 5-digit Resolve Collections Acct#.
Terms and Conditions
If making payment, you agree and accept Resolve Collections Payment Terms Click here for Terms and Conditions
*If you are unsure or need to confirm your 5-digit Resolve Collections Acct# please contact us on 0800 11 4407. Please note this Acct# should be clearly marked on all correspondence from Resolve Collections.
Payment Terms and Conditions
When making payment you agree without exception to the following terms and conditions:
- That you are liable for the debt
- All installment plans are subject to a three-month payment plan review and,
- When choosing to pay by installment you accept a quarterly administration payment fee of $10.00
- That Resolve Collections reserves the right to review or cancel payment arrangement
- If you fail to make payment or default on an arrangement the total outstanding balance becomes due
- All overpayments may be subject to a $20.00 administration fee